Saturday, September 20, 2008

The End's not Near, It's Here.

Hi all, with the deepest regrets, I have to announce that as of yesterday, 19/9/08, Commonwealth Prayer Group had the last of its sessions for the year. I highly doubt that there will be any more of Prayer Group as of next year either since all of the members are graduating pupils. HOWEVER, I'd like to urge any Christian that is from the school to be bold if you feel a stir in your heart to succeed this prayer group. Trust me when I said that I was entirely clueless when I first set out to start this prayer group, but through God's Spirit who has inspired me so greatly in so many ways, I took that leap of faith, and so should you. (: If you are such a person and are interested to commit yourself to it, please do contact me, and I will offer any assistance or guidance to the best of my ability.

I know this update came pretty late and I've many people expecting more frequent posts on testimonies and such, but still, you have to understand that we have all been very busy in school, ministry, etc. So i apologise on the behalf of the prayer group for the intervals between each entry. There are so many wonderful testimonies out there that I've heard and I really would like to share it with all of you but time does not permit me to do so, unfortunately. But fret not, because I'm going to personally promise you that this blog will remain active and the testimonies that you all love will keeping flowing in. ( like a waterfall? sorry, random. )

I guess there are still some people who aren't clear on the purpose of this blog that we have here and 'the whole prayer group thing' in general. Just to prevent any further confusion I'm just going to repeat myself. Basically, this blog is an affirmation of our faith, and it's a tool to reach out to the many commonwealthians who have yet to know God. Our belief is that through this, many people will start to get curious and ask questions about God and stuff and lives will be changed as a result. This is NOT a place exclusively for christian viewership or a hang out for 'online fellowship' if there ever was such a thing. Thus, the use of jargon is not advised, because that will just lead to people feeling left out. I remember when I first became Christian, I was pretty confused at all the 'christian terms' that were thrown around. If we are going to welcome non-christians into our community with open arms, we must all be mindful to embrace them with vernacular that every one is able to relate to. That's it for housekeeping matters. (:

You might be thinking right now " Why does this guy wanna tell me about God soooooo.. badly?" Assuming that you've read my previous post on the testimony, I'd like to tell you this. I used to think that I could live my life relying entirely on my own abilities. Friends who know me can confirm that, I am not exactly a modest person, given any opportunity that I can show off, I would spare nothing to brag and boast. This arrogance has carried me through the most part of my life. When I began to discover God, I was greatly humbled. Knowing that much of my life isn't within my control, I learnt the value of humility, the value of having faith and trust in One who truly loves me and has my best interests at heart. I hope you don't feel like I'm trying to impose my beliefs on you, or influence you to be chrisitan in any way, because I really am not. While Jesus was on earth, He performed many amazing miracles, but the people who witnessed it first hand still doubted. How strange it would be then that I say that you read what i have to say from a computer screen and then taking my every word for it.

Much as I know that still, there will be skeptics and cynics out there who will think my motives aren't as I claim to be, but for those out there who can really feel my desperation, I pray that someday, somehow, you will come to know God, and thereafter, your life be radically altered such as never before. (:

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