Thursday, September 4, 2008

Before I became a Christian, I was a free-thinker. I was sort of a happy-go-lucky person. I did not believe in anything and doubt the existence of God. Eversince I was converted to a Christian, I realise that I was wrong.GOD really EXISTS!
When we speak of God, we must do so with profound respect and reverence for we are speaking of the Great Creator of the Universe and all things. We are but feeble creatures made by Him. Our understanding is limited. We cannot know anything about GOD except the things He is pleases to Reveal to us. This is the first basic condition we must recognise if we want to know Him.
It is always a burning question to many people to know who God is. GOD is Spirit. We cannot see Him with our physical eyes. Nevertheless, there is enough evidence for us to know that God exists, which is through the Bible! God does not have to prove His existence. Yet there is no excuse for any man not to know that HE IS for HE has revealed HIMSELF.
It is my prayer that you will throughly understand and not to doubt the existance of God. In His service, Raphael. =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen. :)